Ανοικτές και Δωρεάν Διαδικτυακές Συζητήσεις με θέματα που ενδιαφέρουν κάθε πολίτη για την κοινωνία του 2021 Με τον Δρα Γρηγόρη Μακρίδη – Μαζί στην Εξέλιξη​

Message From the Director

Prognosis is a private enterprise with a mission to develop and support new and innovative education and research activities of all types. Target groups include pupils, university students, adult learners, teachers and professionals, special needs people and talented/gifted youth.

Η εταιρεία Prognosis είναι ιδιωτική επιχείρηση με στόχο την ανάπτυξη και υποστήριξη νέων και καινοτόμων δράσεων στην εκπαίδευση και έρευνα όλων των ειδών. Ομάδες στόχου συμπεριλαμβάνουν μαθητές σχολείων, φοιτητές , ενήλικες μαθητές, καθηγητές και επαγγελματίες, άτομα με ειδικές ανάγκες και ταλαντούχοι νέοι.

Professor Gregoris A. Makrides, PhD
Καθηγητής Γρηγόρης Α. Μακρίδης, PhD

About Us

PROGNOSIS is supporting the following projects, completed or running


The EDIPUS Project created a new powerful tool, namely the Digital Portfolio Portal (DPP) which will be addressing the employability needs of university students and young job seekers.


The objective of the project is gaining positive attitude towards mathematics by increasing motivation for learning mathematics.


Having students work together in international teams rocks! In a Blended Mobility project students combine physical meetings abroad with ‘virtual’ team work from the home base.


The DIS-CODE project suggests an innovative method to teach digital skills, mathematics and basics of coding to students at drop-out risk by developing ad-hoc training.


This project intends to develop new methodologies in learning and teaching mathematics to pupils of age 9-18, which can be used in any school environment.

EMPOWER Active Aging

Empower Active Ageing (EmpAct) is a project aiming to fill the gap in participation, social inclusion and education of adults over 50 years old through establishing an EU level network


This project intends to develop new methodologies in learning and teaching mathematics to students of age 14-18 which can be used in any school environment.


DivSea is an Erasmus+ Key Action 2 project in the field of Strategic partnership for vocational education and training.

ERASMUS without paper

The EWP project proposed is a response to the current needs of the information society, more specifically a large number of potential end-beneficiaries ranging from students, institutional Erasmus co-ordinators, higher education institutions at large, national agencies, or even the European Commission.


Math-GAMES – Games And Mathematics in Education for adultS Compendiums, Guidelines and Courses for Numeracy Learning Methods Based on Games.